
Diet Tips to Keep Your Stomach Cool in Summer


Stomach Cool in Summer

Summer brings with it soaring temperatures and sweltering heat, making it essential to take extra care of our bodies, especially our digestive system. The scorching heat can often lead to discomfort, indigestion, and an upset stomach. But worry not! In this article, we will share valuable diet tips that will help you keep your stomach cool and maintain good digestive health throughout the summer season.

Hydrate with Refreshing Drinks

Staying hydrated is crucial to beat the summer heat and maintain a cool stomach. Opt for hydrating drinks that are not only refreshing but also aid digestion. Here are some great choices:

1. Water

Start your day with a glass of plain water and ensure you drink an adequate amount throughout the day. Water helps flush out toxins and keeps your digestive system functioning optimally.

2. Coconut Water

Coconut water is a natural and refreshing drink that is rich in electrolytes and minerals. It helps keep your body cool, prevents dehydration, and aids in digestion.

3. Buttermilk

Buttermilk, also known as chaas, is a popular traditional drink that provides a cooling effect on the body. It contains probiotics that promote good gut health and aid in digestion.

4. Herbal Teas

Sip on herbal teas such as peppermint, chamomile, or fennel tea. These teas have cooling properties and can help alleviate stomach discomfort, bloating, and indigestion.

Include Cooling Foods in Your Diet

To maintain a cool stomach during the summer, incorporate the following cooling foods into your diet:

1. Cucumber

Cucumbers are incredibly hydrating and cooling. They contain a high water content and are rich in nutrients that support digestion, such as fiber and antioxidants.

2. Watermelon

Watermelon is a summer staple and a perfect choice for keeping your stomach cool. It is packed with water, vitamins, and minerals that aid in digestion and provide a refreshing treat.

3. Yogurt

Yogurt is not only a delicious and creamy snack but also a cooling food that supports a healthy gut. It contains beneficial bacteria that promote digestion and boost your immune system.

4. Mint

Mint is known for its cooling properties and soothing effect on the stomach. Add fresh mint leaves to your salads, smoothies, or infused water for a refreshing twist.

Avoid Spicy and Heavy Foods

During the summer months, it's best to avoid spicy and heavy foods that can increase body heat and cause digestive discomfort. Instead, opt for lighter and easily digestible meals. Here are some tips:

1. Opt for Lighter Cooking Methods

Choose lighter cooking methods such as steaming, grilling, or sautéing instead of deep-frying or heavy frying. This helps retain the nutritional value of the food while making it easier to digest.

2. Include Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season. They are not only packed with vitamins and minerals but also have a high water content, helping to keep your stomach cool.

3. Limit Spicy and Oily Foods

Spicy and oily foods can irritate the stomach and lead to indigestion. Minimize the intake of hot spices, greasy snacks, and heavy gravies to maintain a cool stomach.

Practice Mindful Eating Habits

In addition to choosing the right foods, practicing mindful eating habits can contribute to a cool stomach and improved digestion. Here are some tips:

1. Eat Small and Frequent Meals

Instead of heavy meals, opt for smaller and more frequent meals throughout the day. This allows your stomach to digest the food more efficiently and prevents overloading.

2. Chew Thoroughly

Take the time to chew your food thoroughly before swallowing. Chewing breaks down the food and aids in the digestion process, ensuring better absorption of nutrients.

3. Eat in a Calm Environment

Create a peaceful and calm environment while eating. Avoid distractions such as phones, television, or work-related activities. Eating mindfully helps your body focus on digestion and promotes better absorption of nutrients.


With these diet tips to keep your stomach cool in summer, you can enjoy the season without worrying about digestive discomfort. Stay hydrated with refreshing drinks, include cooling foods in your diet, avoid spicy and heavy meals, and practice mindful eating habits. By taking care of your stomach, you'll have a pleasant and enjoyable summer.

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